Amavasya 2034 Dates |
New moon days 2034, 2034 Amavasya days, Amavasya Dates, When is Amavasya in 2034?, Amavasya fasting days, Amavasya days in the year of 2034, Amavasya Calender 2034, No Moon days in 2034
Amavasya is indic name for the New Moon day. It is the darkest day of the lunar cycle. People perform Shraddha and Tarpan rituals on this day. Few Devotees observe fast on this day. Few festivals (like diwali) are also observed on this day.
Here is the list of Amavasya 2034 dates or New (No) Moon days in 2034. These dates are according IST and may differ by day to the other locations.
20th January 2034-Friday
18th February 2034-Saturday
20th March 2034-Monday
18th April 2034-Tuesday
18th May 2034-Thursday
16th June 2034-Friday
15th July 2034-Saturday
14th August 2034-Monday
12th September 2034-Tuesday
12th October 2034-Thursday
10th November 2034-Friday
10th December 2034-Sunday
Amavasya is indic name for the New Moon day. It is the darkest day of the lunar cycle. People perform Shraddha and Tarpan rituals on this day. Few Devotees observe fast on this day. Few festivals (like diwali) are also observed on this day.
Here is the list of Amavasya 2034 dates or New (No) Moon days in 2034. These dates are according IST and may differ by day to the other locations.
20th January 2034-Friday
18th February 2034-Saturday
20th March 2034-Monday
18th April 2034-Tuesday
18th May 2034-Thursday
16th June 2034-Friday
15th July 2034-Saturday
14th August 2034-Monday
12th September 2034-Tuesday
12th October 2034-Thursday
10th November 2034-Friday
10th December 2034-Sunday
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